Ezri spends a lot of time looking at lights. If she is lying on her back, she looks up at the ceiling light, gets excited and kicks, sometimes even appears to talk animatedly to it. If she is “reclining” in someone’s arms, she looks at the nearby floor lamp, staring endlessly at the light. I do wonder if it is the light itself, or if it may be the bright brass fixtures themselves, or the textures of the various parts of the lamps that are, of course, accentuated by the shining light. Maybe it’s all of these things, but I’ll stick to the light itself for a moment.
She’s attracted to the light. That’s what I think. And aren’t we often, sometimes necessarily, attracted to light. I am often the last person up in our house at night. Age has diminished my ability to see in a darkened room; after turning out the living room light, it’s a little difficult to get moving in the right direction. After I stand still for just a few seconds, though, I see the little slice of light sliding under the bedroom door where a light is still on, and I know immediately how to get there. I am attracted to the light.
Darkness can be frightening, distressing. Darkness is the place and time for bad things to happen. Violent crime occurs less in the daytime than at night; darkness is a cloak for uninhibited activity. In the light, evil and selfishness have to slink in the corners lest they be seen for what they are. They are attracted to the dark.
On a character level, people are usually either light or dark. Some people are attracted to the light, maybe because they have nothing to hide and only want to do and be good. Others are attracted to the dark, seeking the place in which they can do and be whatever their sensual selves desire; it has nothing to do with goodness, because the desire is only to please self.
It should be no surprise, then, that God himself is described as “light,” that his presence, as it is described in the Bible, is always a matter of “brightness” and “glory.” Jesus, John told us, is "light," and the business of Christians is to "walk in the light."
I don’t know about you, but I want to always be attracted by the Light.
I don’t know about you, but I want to always be attracted by the Light.
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